May 6, 2015

You are invited to participate in the discussion around Medicine Hat’s current state of food insecurity. This event will be facilitated by Susan Roberts, Registered Dietitian with a strong background in Community Development. Susan is known for her passion for food security and food sovereignty. We are excited to have Susan return to Medicine Hat to facilitate another opportunity for community engagement in Medicine Hat’s food security movement. Susan will provide a review of our past Food Talk workshops and Action Plans. Susan will also present the Sustainable. Equitable. Local. Regenerative. System for food (S.E.L.R.S) Lense. Participants will be guided through collaborative conversation on what community members, agencies and service providers can do to create a food continuum, rather than focus on emergency assistance. Participants will have the opportunity to review the 2014 Hunger Count report in addition to viewing the Hunger Count visual.

For more information or to register, please see the documents below:

Event Poster

Community Member Registration

Vendor Registration